Last Mask Center offers classes online and retreats in-person that intertwine learning shamanic skills and developing personal awareness. We believe this is the only way to gain shamanic power and develop the responsibility to use it with integrity and a whole heart.
We offer:
- basic life skills
- advanced classes for professional renewal and restoration
- intensive training in living shamanic values and cosmology in contemporary times
- practical shamanic skills
You can register for most classes on the individual class page in the calendar or contact Andrea at Last Mask Center for more information.
Online Curriculum
Basic Shamanic Journey: Technique—Register HERE
— online, self-paced, closed FB study group with Christina
- Pre-requisite for Masks of Illusion and the Authentic Self, however, any shamanic journey training is accepted.
- Course + practice is a pre-requisite for Ancestral Healing Protocol
Healing the Ancestral Lines: Basic - Register HERE
— online, self-paced, closed discussion group with Christina
- Course + Active participation creates a “strong working relationship with your well ancestors.”
- Pre-requisite for Transforming Persistent Patterns: Healing the Ancestral Lines-2
Live Online
Awakening the Courageous Heart: Part 1 - Part 4, live online course
Pre-requisite for:
Energy Body Mastery, 7-week, live online course
Pre-requisite for:
- Masks of Illusion and the Authentic Self (The Cycle Teachings)
- Energy Body Clearing
- Ancestral Healing Protocol
Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation, 7-week, live online course
Pre-requisite for:
- Ancestral Healing Protocol
- Energy Body Clearing: Advanced Strategies
Energy Body Clearing: Advanced Strategies, 7-week, live online course
Where we learn to work with larger patterns and collective systems that need transformation
Pre-requisites Needed:
- Energy Body Mastery
- Energy Body Clearing: The Foundation
Shadow Transformation Protocol, 8-week, live online course
Strongly recommend, but not required:
- Basic Shamanic Journey
- Energy Body Mastery
- Willingness to make things with your hands.
- Self-Awareness through movement and dance
Transforming Persistent Patterns: Healing the Ancestral Lines-2 a 8-week, live online course
Pre-requisites Needed:
- Healing the Ancestral Lines: Basic, (A strong working relationship with your well ancestors)
- Confident shamanic journeying (Basic Shamanic Journey + practice)
- Energy Body Mastery
- Energy Body Clearing
Dismantling Collective Patterns: Healing the Ancestral Lines-3 a live online course
Pre-requisites Needed:
- Healing the Ancestral Lines - 2
- Confident shamanic journeying (Basic Shamanic Journey + practice)
The Cycle of Transformation—Four Year Training
A selective and intensive immersion in the shamanic cosmology of transformation and whole-hearted personal power. Each year builds powerfully on the next, weaving shamanic techniques and processes with rigorous skills and disciplines for personal growth and spiritual maturity. Dance, art, song, and the creation of power objects infuse the ritual and ceremony that fuel this life-changing path.
For the most current, up to date information about The Cycle of Transformation, please opt in to this mailing list here.
The Cycle begins each year with Masks of Illusion and the Authentic Self.
Pre-requisite for Masks of Illusions and the Authentic Self: The Threshold Process
The Cycle of Transformation Teachings are grounded in a living animist orientation in life and held in active community participation. The Threshold Process grounds the participant in animism and this community in a “Meeting the Challenger at the Gate” kind of experience. It is a 5-day retreat + a 2 month integration time, which all happens to also be transformational.
Pre-requisites for the Threshold Process: This isn’t a check list, but our transparency that proficiency in these practices is required to meet the challenges of the Threshold Process. They are:
- Energy Body Mastery and practice
- Energy Body Clearing and practice
- Basic Journeying and practice
Visit to learn more about The Cycle Community.