
Are You Ready?

By Christina Pratt

I had a profound learning last summer. In June I was in Manhattan working with clients. Two clients in particular were talking about the huge shifts they were making in their lives. I had been working with these clients for four years doing soul retrievals, journeying, integrating, etc. and now they were finally able to truly leave the old issues behind. It was exciting to see them so happy and full of life.


Then, in July I was again with people I had worked with before, but this time in a workshop setting in Oregon. These were people who had taken the first workshop, Masks of Illusion and the Authentic Self, and were gathered there for the second, Dance of the Shadow Self. The authenticity of spirit that radiated from their faces filled the room. Such Beauty! They had all made huge shifts similar to the shifts of the clients in New York. I could see that each person had made the fundamental internal changes necessary for those shifts in first workshop, but that they made those changes in one week (and integrated them later).



Ask yourself, do you want to do it in four years or in one week?


You are ready for Masks of Illusion...

...if you feel a pull, a flirt, a subtle desire to be there.
...if you are struggling with your Life's Purpose...finding it, living it, believing in it...
...if you have had a soul retrieval or shamanic healing. This means you have entered a cycle of transformation. That process will be enriched and deepened in the workshop.
...if you feel the need for healing ritual in your life.
...if you know its time to jump!

You are you ready for DreamShaping...

...if you want to live your dreams.


Truly living the dreams of your soul in real life takes skills that your culture did not teach you. The struggle involved in trying to live your dreams results primarily from a lack of skills, not from a lack of passion, good intentions, or good health. In DreamShaping you will learn the shamanic skills necessary to bring your dreams into reality and craft the life your soul so deeply desires to be living.



Are you experienced in shamanism or core shamanism and wondering what next?


For experienced journeyers, DreamShaping will open up a whole new dimension of non-ordinary reality for you. These skills will help you to directly craft your own future.


For experienced journeyers, the Workshop Cycle is an opportunity to surrender deeply to the ritual space and allow the powers of the spirit world to work the power of instantaneous transformation on you. The workshops are containers for experience, not primarily a course of study. Therefore, if you bring your experience to the container and enter into the Unknown, you will emerge somewhere that you have never gone as someone you have yet to be.