
True Love is at the heart of all that we do at Last Mask Center

By Christina Pratt

True Love is planted deeply at the heart of The Cycle of Transformation teachings. These teachings are part shamanic skills for transformation and part spiritual/energy skills for transformation. With the complement and synergy of these two skills sets we are able to truly grow up into "spiritual adults." (see earlier articles now archived)


I was told by spirit that, "True Love is where adults are adults so that children can be children." This means we are choosing to live as spiritual adults so that our Inner Child can step out of the Shadow, the Wounded Child, and take its rightful place within and just be a kid. I asked why this challenges people so and spirit said, "People fear joy. Joy requires ecstasy, abandon, and being out of control. Ultimately people don't trust that love will hold them in that extreme state."


The Trickster adds in Lewis Hyde's Trickster Makes This World, "The (trickster story) ...imagines an infant so fully independent that he never plays a part to please his parents, never puts on a mask his elders have designed. It is surely sad when his (trickster's) desires escape him and disaster follows, but it would have been even sadder had he contained himself, as it is sad whenever men or women become so well behaved that no "joyous impulse" ever disturbs their lives."


This year my prayer for you is that you let joy disturb you. I have noticed in almost two decades of teaching and healing that people do not hesitate to act out of fear. People's old stories run fast and they don't tolerate disturbance. And yet, when we are asked to act from love people hesitate, doubt, and equivocate. This is the core of the teachings of the Cycle: to be a person who doubts his/her own fears and who does not hesitate to act from love in any moment.