Stories CouncilThe Stories Council is a Dreamteam Project that is not yet complete. If you would like to participate on this project and help to bring the Stories Council to life, please contact Community Council.
LMCommunity possesses rich stories of individual and group transformation through the Cycle. Sharing them allows the true power of the Cycle to be revealed and celebrated as the unique and wonderful experience that it is. These stories need to be collected, cultivated into teaching stories, and archived here in the LMCommunity website for everyone to draw strength and inspiration from. LMCommunity is called by Spirit to become story culture.
There are joyous stories everywhere in LMCommunity of the cleverness, bravery, perseverance and the heart necessary for transformation. They are in our newsletters, on Basecamp, in emails, and telephone calls. Our stories encourage us on our journey, illuminate the path for those seeking to begin their walk, and enhance our ability to step into our power, personally and collectively. These are the stories that help us heal, help us learn from each other, and give back to the community with strong hearts. |